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  • SAL - volume 1 (English Version)

SAL - volume 1 (English Version)

24,50 €  

"Sal is fourteen years old and lives with her parents on Madeira Island. The careless family environment forces the court to transfer her to a temporary shelter. In this new home, Sal begins a long and painful process of personal growth". This is the starting point of the book. In hardcover format, “Sal” is a 200-page comic book, published by the Cecilia Zino Foundation. It deals with the life story of a fictional character, Sal – a young woman at risk who goes through a shelter experience. With text by João Andrade and illustrations by Luís Buchinho, “Sal” narrates a situation very close to the activity of the Foundation, which works daily with young people in foster care, victims of violence or danger.


200 pages

Hard cover

20 x 26 cm